Home Aktiviteter South Zealand
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22 Jun 2024



South Zealand

We will explore South Zealand – Falster and Lolland, and not least the connections between these regions.

09:00 We meet for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat at Biltema in Næstved, Vestergårdsvej 28, 4700 Næstved.

09:45 Departure through the beautiful South Zealand cultural landscape.

10:45 Stop at Kalvehave Harbor, with a view of the Queen Alexandrine Bridge and the island of Lindholm, among other sights.

We continue down over Falster towards Nykøbing to cross the King Frederik IX Bridge.

12:00 Lunch at Fuglsang Art Museum.

13:00 Departure towards Rødbyhavn.

13:30 Visit to the Femern Belt Exhibition Center, where we will learn about and see Denmark’s largest construction project, the Fehmarn Belt Tunnel.

14:15 Departure towards the Guldborgsund Bridge between Lolland and Falster, then continue towards the old Storstrøm Bridge with a view of the construction of the new Storstrøm Bridge, which will be completed in 2025.

The last bridge we will cross today is the small Masnedsund Bridge, from where we will drive towards Næstved.

Around 15:45 farewell coffee at Appenæs near Næstved.

Should anyone wish to take the Tårs – Spodsbjerg route, they can of course leave the group at Rødby.

Sign up by June 16th. The price for the trip is 250 DKK, which can be paid via MobilePay to 20125835.

Sign up by email: ulrich@klosteraasen.dk

Looking forward to a pleasant day.


P.S. If anyone wishes to arrive the evening before, we have a couple of sleeping places at our house. Alternatively, there is a hostel and a Scandic Hotel nearby.

If anyone desires, we will grill some venison and enjoy a few drinks.

Eva and Ulrich