IFMR – Fellowship is our fuel

IFMR Nordic

Do you want to join exciting tours, make new friends and international contacts and experience a fantastic community? Then IFMR Nordic is the club for you!

We are 140 members from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Every year we arrange a number of tours, both local one-day trips and longer tours. For example, we have been to Harz, on the Isle of Man, in Austria’s Alps, etc.

IFMR Norden


Vill du vara med på spännande resor, få nya vänner och internationella kontakter och uppleva en fantastisk gemenskap? Då är IFMR Norden klubben för Dig! 

Vi är nästan 200 medlemmar från Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge och Sverige.

Varje år arrangerar vi ett flertal turer allt ifrån lokala dagsturer och längre resor.  Vi har t ex varit i Harz, på Isle of Man, i Österrikes alper m m.

Jaakko Ingren

Erkki Koskinen
Vice President

Dagfinn Christensen

Ulrich Bruus Madsen

Björn Jakob Tryggvason
Klubbmästare Island

Hans Boie Klubbmästare Danmark

Glenn Ivar Dammen
Klubbmästare Norge

Håkan Pihl
Klubbmästare Finland

Leif Hemmingsson Klubbmästare Sverige

Per-Eric Nilzén
Redaktör och webmaster

The board


Our board is elected during the Spring Meeting and takes office on the 1st of January the following year.

Between member meetings (spring and fall meetings), the club is led by the board. It is the president who calls for board meetings as needed. These often take place via email or telephone due to the distances involved.



Click the button below if you want to contact the board or any other member of the club via email.

Our history

It all started in 1989 when Jan E Johnsson discovered that there was no Fellowship for motorcycle -interested rotarians. He contacts RI and got okay to start the International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians Chapter Northern Europe.

In 1992, a statutory meeting was held in Perstorp with Jan E Johnsson, Jørgen Otzen present as well as with telephone contact with Anders Edberg and Allan Segerberg. The first “national assembly” was held in Örebro on September 25, 1993 with only seven participants.

Today we are 130 members in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, but we have room for more.

Join our community today!

Anniversary Book - IFMR 20 years

The book has 126 pages so it can take some time to download depending on your connection. It can take several minutes, so be patient!

If you click on the image, it opens as a browsable book on the screen (recommended).
Do you want to pick it up as a PDF instead? Click here!


Who started the fellowship?

According to IFMR’s international website, IFMR was started by the Rotary club in Loxton, District 9520 in South Australia. Club members David Ingerson and Tony Moyle were introductory chairman and secretary. This claims Jan E Johnsson is incorrect and refers to the correspondence with Dian Porter.


Quotes: “In Loxton in Australia there was a local Rotary club, which carried on local co-existence in” motorcycle frame “. However, it had no World Wide activity or contact.”

An international network

Regardless of who or where IFMR started, we are today all over the world, on all continents. You can meet IFMR members from North and South America, Autralia, Japan, South Africa and most other countries – and you can participate in everyone’s activities! Imagine what a huge contact network you get with IFMR!

Who started the fellowship?

According to IFMR’s international website, IFMR was started by the Rotary club in Loxton, District 9520 in South Australia. Club members David Ingerson and Tony Moyle were introductory chairman and secretary. This claims Jan E Johnsson is incorrect and refers to the correspondence with Dian Porter.


Quotes: “In Loxton in Australia there was a local Rotary club, which carried on local co-existence in” motorcycle frame “. However, it had no World Wide activity or contact.”

An international network

Regardless of who or where IFMR started, we are today all over the world, on all continents. You can meet IFMR members from North and South America, Autralia, Japan, South Africa and most other countries – and you can participate in everyone’s activities! Imagine what a huge contact network you get with IFMR!

Links to other IFMR-fellowships

This is IFMR Internations homepage where you can find information an contacts with all chapters in the word.